Eating The Right Food For Wellness
Healthy Food Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated.
Are the food you are eating making you sick? People need food and water to live. But in so many cases some of the food we eat is the culprit of many health issues. For example if you are not careful of what you eat you could develop some type of diseases. Sometimes it could be food allergies that will need urgent medical attention. And more types of ailments will develop just by not choosing to eat the right food.
Food is any nutritious substance that people eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
Food can have a huge impact to our well-being. We certainly have the choice to eat whatever we want. But do you really want to live the rest of your life full of aches and pain due to not eating right? I don’t know about you but I certainly don’t want to suffer like I used to, almost everyday. Some people will say “Well I’m going to die anyway why should I deny myself from eating any food I want.” It certainly is a choice, so I’m leaving that up to you.
But if you are a person who wants to feel better about yourself and maybe get well from some of your health issues, then please allow me to share my story so that you will understand me better.
If you have read my About Page you will know that I had a tough childhood. Worked at the sugar cane farm under intense heat in the tropics called the Philippines. I used to carry heavy loads on my head heavier than my own weight sometimes. It could be anything from laundry to big container filled with water from the deep well and more. Maybe you are getting the idea by now how hard it was for a nine years old girl to do all of that. Nothing was easy for me. Did not have anything much to eat and I had to walk wherever I needed to go, miles and miles away especially going back and forth to school.
Due to lacked of nutritious food and not had enough to eat had caused a lot of damaging effect in my body. I later developed severe migraines still at a very young age. When I turned seventeen I had the first attacked of arthritis in both my hips. I collapsed on the floor from intense pain.
After I got married I developed arthritis in my neck which triggers migraines. I was not doing well at all. I suffered depressions from all the pain I was having. There were times when I just want to give up living due to so much pain. My husband finally got me some medical help. The doctor diagnosed my pain being due to arthritis. He prescribed pills for me to take to help ease some of the pain. And to go with it I was instructed to make a food diary to see what types of food triggers the pain.
So I followed all the instructions the doctor told me. And started writing food diary of the food I ate. Right away, I realized that so much of the food I ate was triggering migraine pain in my head and arthritis. I will not make you guess of what were the types of food that was triggering the pain, but I will list a few down below.
These are just few of the food that triggered the pain: Pizza, hot dogs, sodas, desserts like ice cream and other sugary food, prepackaged food with preservatives like sodium nitrate and monosodium glutamate, and much more.
I simply could not believed it! Ninety percent of the food I ate since I came here in the United States were the food that was triggering all the pain. I knew then that I will not be dependent on pills to give me temporary relief from the pain, but to make a radical adjustments on the food I eat and achieved cure in a natural way.
So my husband and I decided on a natural approach as he is too suffering from severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis. So I completely made and overhaul on our diet. Eating more greens, vegetables, fruit, fish and other food that are less sugar if there is none. We used to drink regular cow’s milk, but switched to plant base milk like almond and soy milk. I will not bore you anymore reading my story, but here are my questions below:
Are you suffering with any kinds of aches and pain right now? Have you tried a natural approach to ease your pain? Are you willing to make some food adjustments? Okay you are probably scratching your head by now, because those food you’ve been eating really tastes good. I absolutely understand, because I’ve been there. But friends you are not alone we will get through it together. You see I am not trying to discourage you from eating the food you like, we are just going to make some modifications and eat healthier so that you too can live a life you deserve, pain free!
I will be sharing some delicious, healthy food recipes. So please keep and eye for it and follow me so you won’t miss my posts for food recipes.
Oh I forgot to mention you probably want to know an update of my health condition now. I am not taking the prescribed pain pills anymore. I get migraines only when I splurge and eat out in a restaurant, who knows what type of seasoning those restaurants uses either. I also get migraines if I don’t eat at the right time. But guess what? I am now pain free from the arthritis in my hips! I have more energy than ever before. I have a much better focus on anything that I do. But friends I must tell you I made a radical changes on my diet. I only eat healthy and delicious food ninety nine percent of the time. And I also do my regular exercise.
Do you want to learn more and try out some great delicious recipes? Then go ahead follow and connect with me in any of my social media links below so you won’t miss my recipe posts in the near future.
Thanks for reading and welcome to your way of living a healthy and pain free life. Be blessed, inspired, encouraged and loved.
If you have any questions please leave your message and subscribe so I can get back with you as soon as possible, Thanks.