Low Self-EsteemEmotionalHealthMentalPhysical

How To Overcome Low Self-Esteem

Natural Approach

How to overcome low self-esteem? Most of us if not all have been through some sorts of low self-esteem. It comes in different forms though. Some are dealing with it of how they look on the face. For some it could be the shape of their bodies. Some even felt further mentally and emotionally. Some causes are due to the society we live in. There are too much pressure on how a person should look and behave a certain way.

But, most of the time we inflict ourselves with these ideas. We tend to compare ourselves to others and want to be like them. Well, I have bad news. We can not be all the same. We are all different in our own way. We are created special by God. God did not make a mistake of creating you. The world view and idea of how you should be is one of the problem. The other factor is that, you have not fully accepted who you are, as God’s special creation. The other factor is that we have an enemy that keeps whispering in our minds that we are bad and accusing us of our mistakes in life. So how do we overcome our low self-esteem?

I certainly had my share of this low self-esteem problem. I used to feel inadequate and ugly. Suffered so much facial problem like acne and scars. Was dealing with so much depression a lot due to migraines. Suffered emotional and mental issues, because I was told that I was not good many times in the past. I even attempted to kill myself a few times, because all I could hear and feel was that I was not good enough and even worse.

Overcoming low self-esteem can be hard, but also possible, by doing some adjustments in our attitude and taking care of ourselves. So I am sharing with you how I overcome my own issues on this topic. I hope that this will help you somehow and be able to achieve your goals to solving your low self-esteem and insecurities.

How To Overcome Low Self-Esteem?

  1. Overcome by identify and recognize the cause of the problem. By identifying and recognizing the root cause of the problem will enable you to find solution for it. For example in my experience, I was suffering so much headaches and acne which leads to depression. By knowing the causes and recognizing that it is the factor of your low self-esteem will help in your search for help.
  2. Overcome by seeking help from those you trust. It could be a family member or friend and even professionals who deals with the problem. I am grateful that when I got married, my husband has been my greatest support and helping me to boost myself up. I also went to a medical doctor who helped me and gave me the good recommendations.
  3. Overcome by finding out ways to improve your lifestyle. Some problems with our bodies are also due to bad habits of eating and the lack of motivation to improve oneself. I never thought before that big part of my problem was the food I ate and in general just a bad lifestyle. I ate whatever I want to eat without realizing that so much of that food was actually causing my acne and migraines. Not to mention that I also gained weight and feeling fatigue and depress most the time. The food I ate were mostly, high carbohydrates, sugar and dairy products. I never did exercise either. So putting all of that together caused me to suffer lowest self-esteem.
  4. Overcome by making a list or a diary of food that could be the triggers and may be causing the problem. This was the first recommendation from my doctor. It’s really amazing the difference it made in how I am feeling and look now. The acne started disappearing, less breakouts, the migraines instead of having it almost everyday, it became less often. Energy was improving and feeling more motivated to do exercise and losing weight.
  5. Overcome by writing down your goals and aim for it. Friends, let me tell you it is not easy to just achieve those goals overnight. It takes a lot of efforts and hard work, I mean really hard work. But the result is so rewarding! Who does not want to look good and feel good? Yes, I’m sure you do like I do now. Have I achieve my goals yet? I would say at least more than half of it. I have never feel this good in my life until just in few years on really doing what I needed to do, to improve myself. And the good part is that it can be done with a natural approach. I did not go to get facial makeover, or gone through some kind of surgeries to get to where I am now. My approach has always been a natural way. Eating the right food, doing exercise and another tip too for the migraine, listening to a soft jazz relaxing music. Yes, you read that right. I discovered it by accident. I was noticing that while listening to the music, my headaches went away.
  6. Overcome especially by spending time with God in prayer, and just know that you are so special to Him and He loves you very much. Surrender to Him those things that are weighing you down. Read His promises in His Word and keep them in your heart. It will help you overcome the stress of life. Being assured and secured by the love of God and knowing God’s Word will also put the devil in his place. The enemy will still try to put you down, but you can respond to him with power in praying and reminding him of the Word of God. I can really testify to this, if it were not for God being in my life I would not be here anymore. That’s how bad I was feeling in the past. Thank God that I am still here to share my stories and how I have overcome my lowest self-esteem. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me or leave a comment below. Hope this will help. God bless.

Photo of Arlene Allison

Arlene Allison

I am an ordained minister who is doing missionary work for over 15 years now. I was born in one of the island in the Philippines called Cebu. Growing up in a poor condition, I managed to overcome the hurdles of life with a positive attitude, grateful for everything and most of all by the grace of God. I have always challenge myself to do better with my life at a young age and pursue my dreams and ambitions in life by working hard and never complains about the hardships I went through. I have become successful in so many ways that I want to share my life's journey and how I can help you improve your life and reach your goals to a height of success. You can't imagine now how much you can really do if you just have a positive outlook of life and have the attitude of being grateful in every circumstance.

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