
How to overcome the trauma from childhood

How to overcome trauma from childhood

From the book written by Arlene S. Allison title The Miraculous Saving Grace Of God. This story is so relevant to the current situation of every individual and our world today. There is no question that so many are drowning from different struggles in life. It could be due to financial struggle, health, emotional, mental and so many other factors.

For some you may be still trying to recover from trauma that happened in the past. Whatever the reason maybe, if you feel like you are drowning from it, who do you call for help? Are you tired of dealing with it? Perhaps the video above will give you some hope and know that you too can overcome your own trauma. Be blessed.

If you have any questions please leave a comment and I will be glad to help you. You are not alone, you are loved by God.

Photo of Arlene Allison

Arlene Allison

I am an ordained minister who is doing missionary work for over 15 years now. I was born in one of the island in the Philippines called Cebu. Growing up in a poor condition, I managed to overcome the hurdles of life with a positive attitude, grateful for everything and most of all by the grace of God. I have always challenge myself to do better with my life at a young age and pursue my dreams and ambitions in life by working hard and never complains about the hardships I went through. I have become successful in so many ways that I want to share my life's journey and how I can help you improve your life and reach your goals to a height of success. You can't imagine now how much you can really do if you just have a positive outlook of life and have the attitude of being grateful in every circumstance.

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