Vision That Became My Mission
- How it started?
- Where it was revealed to me?
- What was the detail of the vision?
- When did it occurred?
- How the vision turned into a mission?
Vision That Became My Mission
1. How it started? I was attending a Christian church fellowship when I was just a newly converted Christian. While at the meeting, I heard the urgency of telling people about the love of God and the salvation God offered through His Son Jesus. Being a new Christian at that time I know how important it is for people to know God’s love and the salvation that He offers. I know how it was for me before I became a Christian. I was hopeless, sad, no purpose of life and everything was meaningless for me. I even attempted to commit suicide a few times. My situation was bad, I didn’t care about life anymore. But one night I had a very unusual experience. While sleeping all of a sudden I was awakened by a miserable sensation as if my whole body was on fire. I got up in a hurry to find relief. I did not understand what was happening to me. As I was looking for a relief I ran across some knives. As I was getting ready to pick up one and was going to kill myself to get relief from the burning sensation, my conscience spoke to me. I did not understand it then what it was.
But looking back at that experience now, I believe that Satan and God’s angel were fighting over me. As I was holding the knife Satan was speaking to my conscience to go ahead and kill myself and my misery will be all over with. But the angel of God spoke afterwards and said “no, you are not going to do that, because the minute you kill yourself, you will surely go to hell.” When I heard the last words, I was terrified and put the knife down and ran outside of the house where I was at. I cried out to God and asked Him to help me. Few minutes later someone in the house came out to check on me. I took a cold shower at 2 o’clock in the morning to get relief from that burning sensation as I continued my plea to God. I later felt better after that experience. Few days later after that event, one of my Aunt invited me to go to a Christian church with her. And so I went and publicly accepted the Lord Jesus into my heart.
2. Where it was revealed to me? The picture above was me walking down from the top of the mountain. At the top of that mountain is a church where I was attending the fellowship. It is located in Bongdo, Borbon, Cebu, Philippines. The place is pretty much a combination of rocky mountains and fertile land on the valleys. The houses are spaced out distant from each other. Beautiful tall trees and fresh air is what you will see and experience there. There used to be no road but recently development came to the area and making it a lot easier to navigate around if you have a vehicle.
3. What was the detail of the vision? One day as group of pastors were gathered at the top of the mountain church for a sectional fellowship I was again invited by my Aunt. It was a beautiful day. God’s presence was so strong and touching everyone at that meeting. During a lunch break I went outside the church building and was looking at beautiful mountains around and enjoying the fresh air. Then as I was wondering and having a quiet conversation with God to see what His plans and purpose for the rest of my life, all of a sudden I saw a vision.
So what was the vision? I know you are really anxious by now to find out, so here it is: I saw tadpoles, so many of them floating above the horizon. I know it sounds really weird why would so many tadpoles be floating up in the air since they are normally be floating in the water. I understand your curiosity, as I was very puzzled myself. But during all that scenery and wondering what I just saw, I was all of a sudden overwhelmed with such heaviness in my chest that I started crying. I could not hold off my tears, I was sobbing. I felt such pity and compassion for those tadpoles. Why? I could not understand it at that time. I went back inside the church still crying and overheard the head pastor in that meeting talking about bible school. I headed over to where they were sitting at and continued to listen. When they got finished talking I inquired about the qualifications to get enrolled in bible school. The head pastor was telling me that I had to be called by God to get into the bible school since it is not a playground or an escape place from other responsibilities. I was very confident then that God just called me to get into the bible school and be trained for whatever tasks He has for me to do. I was not sure what the tasks then, but all I know that He was calling me for something. My vision did not make sense, but I was emotionally overwhelmed by it. I did not know or understand why. I was going to be a nurse, I was enrolled to study nursing. But I withdrew to become a nurse and went to bible school and got my degree in Theology.
4. When did it occurred? All of the events that I mentioned above occurred about 20 years ago. I was 18 years old when I received my salvation through the miserable experience. I studied and got trained in bible school for four years. It was not an easy journey for me, but I graduated as a validictorian in my class. I am humbled by all of my experience. After the graduation, I got married at 22 years old to my loving husband who is always supportive of me all these years.
5. How the vision turned into a mission? After my graduation and married, my husband and I were visiting my parents at another remote mountainous area in Cebu, Philippines. During our visit, I gathered the little children in that area and started teaching them bible verses, and stories and as well as singing Jesus loves me. As I was doing that under the tree my husband who is an American was listening and was touched by how attentive and eager those children were in learning about God and His words. He then talked to me afterwards and told me that we need to build a church. My first thought was how are we going to do it without road to get the materials up there? And we mainly just had enough money to pay for our expenses during our stay there. My husband did some figuring and realized we could only afford to put up a lean to an extension of the main small house. So we bought a few materials of coconut lumber and few pieces of tin for roofing. All the materials had to be transported from the store through rough road and then dump at the end of the road. Then we had to carry all the materials by hand and shoulder walking through volcanic trails for about twenty minutes all the way to the top of the mountain. Once we finally gathered all the materials, we had our carpenter friend came and built the roof for our church. It was a 10 by 12 size roof. Yes, it was very small. And we could not even afford to build walls, but we had a couple of benches where the children could sit down. As the years passes by we keep expanding and below is a photo of what the church building look like for the first church group that we started over 15 years ago.
Vision That Became My Mission
On my future posts you will see more photos and how my vision became my mission. I must say that it has not been an easy journey, but by the grace of God it is flourishing and growing. My younger sister became an ordained minister as well and has been an excellent partner with the ministry alongside my husband and I.
Vision That Became My Mission
Looking back now on my vision. The tadpoles that I saw represents the souls of the children who were at that time yet unborn, and now I am ministering with. I hope that this story has blessed you and encourage you to find purpose in your life. Ask God what He has for you to do. My mission has been a fulfilling tasks for me to see the children growing up having the knowledge on the word of God and His love for them. Right now we have around 200 children that we are ministering to by not only teaching them the word of God, but also providing some assistance of food and school supplies for those especially who are desperately in need.
Thanks for reading this post friend. And please don’t forget to follow so you will be notified on my future posts. God had been good and I hope you are being blessed, inspired, encouraged and loved.