My Music

Climb Every Mountain karaoke version

Arlene Allison - Climb Every Mountain karaoke version

This is another song from the “Sound of Music” that is close to my heart. It has been my inspiration to face challenges in life with a positive attitude until I reached my dream. I struggled to get my education since 3rd grade, but God has blessed me so much, I am so thankful to Him for all His blessings.

I have climbed every mountain and forded every stream of life, I have now everything I need or could want. I am blessed beyond my dreams. I hope you enjoy me singing this song. Thanks a lot for watching and please subscribe

Photo of Emre Yildirmaz

Emre Yildirmaz

I am a complete tech lover, software, hardware enthusiast, and a die-hard web developer. I continue my experience and know-how in in order to reach a wider audience in the light of current technological developments.

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