
Macrame Bags

The Art Of Crafting

This is a short video showing the making of macrame bags. As I learned to do macrame it became my passion to pass it on to others. I enjoy learning new things and most of the time it becomes an addition to my existing hobbies. On this video these women just started making macrame bags for the first time.

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Above I was having a fun time making my own style and at the same time enjoying the chat with my sister and friend. In case you are wondering which one is me, it’s the one making the white and blue bag. Below is a finished bag that I made.

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I hope you enjoyed this post, and it has encourage you boost up your brain with new ideas and more passion for life. Whatever hobbies you have just know that it’s helping your well being mentally, physically and emotionally.

Don’t forget to follow, more posts and great ideas coming up to encourage you.

Be blessed, inspired, encouraged and loved.

Photo of Arlene Allison

Arlene Allison

I am an ordained minister who is doing missionary work for over 15 years now. I was born in one of the island in the Philippines called Cebu. Growing up in a poor condition, I managed to overcome the hurdles of life with a positive attitude, grateful for everything and most of all by the grace of God. I have always challenge myself to do better with my life at a young age and pursue my dreams and ambitions in life by working hard and never complains about the hardships I went through. I have become successful in so many ways that I want to share my life's journey and how I can help you improve your life and reach your goals to a height of success. You can't imagine now how much you can really do if you just have a positive outlook of life and have the attitude of being grateful in every circumstance.

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